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Gradings outside Denmark, more rules!

We hope to have a grading tour of the USA in Oct, (this has yet to be confirmed), but in case it comes to pass, here are the rules for the gradings!

Rules for Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark’s Gradings outside Denmark

Grading outside Denmark can be arranged on request from one or more breeders. The request must be put forward well in advance and no later than 3 month prior to the contemplated grading date. The grading dates will be divided on a first come – first served basis.

When requesting a grading a fee of DKK 1.000,- per venue must be paid to KNN. The fee is nonrefundable in case the grading never takes place.

The grading must be open to all KNN members.

Venues that are not open to outside horses or where only a limited number of horses can be presented are in special cases accepted, if KNN is informed at the time the venue is applied for.

KNN will send a team of judges according to the horses entered. KNN will assist the local breeders in organizing the grading.

KNN will appoint one contact person per venue. The contact person will be liaison officer between KNN and the exhibitors and will answer financially to KNN.

All KNN’s expenses must be covered by the/those breeder(s) who has requested and have horses participating in the grading, and KNN must be held financially indemnified.

The grading must not be conducted for the sake of profit, and the accounts must be presented to KNN and will be open to all participants. The surplus, if any, shall be transferred to the next grading in the area or disposed in agreement with KNN.

General rules

1. Entries accepted only with KNN entry form. The entire form must be filled out and signed, and only one horse must be entered per form.

2. KNN must receive the entry form no later than 30 days prior to the grading. If the entered horse is not registered on the Danish database, the horse must be entered no later than 45 days prior to the grading.

3. Post entries will only be accepted by special agreements and will be subject to a late fee. Post entries cannot be expected to be entered into the catalogue.

4. Only voting members of KNN are entitled to enter horses at KNN’s gradings.

5. Only the registered owner is entitled to enter the horse at KNN’s gradings.

6. The original registration certificate/passport of the horse shall not be forwarded with the entry form. The identification number of the horse must be stated on the entry form. Horses that do not have registration certificates/passport issued by Videncentret for Landbrug, Heste (former Landscentret|Heste) must have their registration information and pedigree entered into the database (a 2 week period of dispatch must be expected). A photocopy/scan of the original registration certificate/passport must be forwarded with the entry form. The original registration certificate/passport of the horse must be present on the day of the grading.

7. It’s optional to choose between the standard for the sports riding type and the classic type. In case of doubt in regard of which standard to choose, it’s possible to seek guidance from the judges.

8. Stallions presented for breeding license/grading must be DNA tested and have their pedigree parentally verified via DNA at the time of entry and documentation for this must be forwarded with the entry form. DNA testing of mares for grading and mares for inspection for acceptance for crossbreeding (class 3 & 4) is mandatory. In case the mare is not already DNA tested, a hair sample will be collected at the venue. It’s possible to request DNA testing from other horses if so stated on the entry form.

9. All attendees in KNN’s gradings must agree that they participate at their own risk. KNN cannot be held liable for any kind of loss, injury or damage, whether direct or indirect, consequential or incidental, arising from participation in the Knabstrupper grading.

10. Moreover KNN’s laws and rules apply.

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